Reasons Why Regularly Taking Out Your Kitchen Trash Can is a Must

Emptying the kitchen trash is a chore that most of us hate to do. This is because it smells awful and is an unpleasant task. When compared to other parts of the house, the kitchen generates waste faster. If left as such, the garbage overflows forcing you to add more bags or use a larger bin. Plus, it takes up more space, interfering with your meal prep and other work you do in the kitchen. Moreover, lugging the heavy trash onto the sidewalk is difficult for many. Regardless, do you know what will happen if you fail to empty your kitchen garbage often?

Of various types of household waste, kitchen waste is the most problematic. It includes rotten food, empty food containers, and other vegetable waste. Without routine cleaning, the debris attracts a host of germs, insects, and pests. This can burgeon into a major health issue. Plus, no one wants to have an overflowing trash bin. It looks sloppy and makes the surrounding area dirty and unsafe. Read on to know some other reasons why you should take out your kitchen trash bin.

Why You Need to Take Out the Trash Regularly

Cooking and eating food generates plenty of garbage, such as waste from vegetables, fruits, and groceries. While the food waste forms the major part, there are other items, such as plastics, packaging materials, liquid waste, glass, etc.

If left in the garbage can for a long time, the waste can rot and harm the environment. Listed here are important reasons that will make you take your trash out daily without any complaint.

Reason # 1: Fly Infestation

Garbage, especially the debris generated in the kitchen, attracts flies. These flies are drawn by the odor. When you fail to empty the kitchen trash can, a moist layer is formed over the debris. The flies find the moist and organic waste material ideal for laying eggs. Thus, you can see baby flies or maggots swarming the trash.

The solution to this is to dispose of the trash and clean the bins regularly. Make sure you clean the garbage bin after emptying it. This will prevent unpleasant odor that attracts flies and maggots.

Reason # 2: Unpleasant Odor

Most of the materials you discard in the kitchen are rotting food materials. When left as such, these can cause unpleasant odors. This is also a reason why you avoid taking out the trash. The bad smell worsens when the liquid from the waste seeps through the trash bag and settles at the bottom of the bin. Thus, even after emptying, the bad odor will continue to annoy you.

Reason # 3: Disease-causing Germs

Like flies are lured by the waste in your trash can, germs also find the trash ideal for breeding. Some of the common bacteria that are found in the garbage include Listeria, E.Coli, Salmonella, etc. Unlike the good bacteria you find in food products like yogurt, these can trigger serious illnesses.

The best way to keep bacteria away from your kitchen garbage bin is to sanitize it after emptying it. This will kill any germs that have made their way past the trash bag into the bin. Keeping the waste bin clean ensures your family is safe from harmful bacteria and germs.

Reason #4: Safety Hazard

When you do not dispose of the kitchen waste in the right way, it can harm your safety. For instance, sharp objects like broken glass can cause injury and infection. Plastic that is not disposed of can harm animals.

Such environmental contaminants lead to the spread of illnesses. Have a separate bin for sharp objects. Take care to segregate them before throwing them in the trash. This will ensure you safeguard your surroundings from harm.

Reason # 5: Rodents

While the smell of garbage is unpleasant to you, rodents are attracted by the smell. Hungry rodents are lured by the waste as they see it as a delicious food waiting to be devoured by them. They swarm even an empty kitchen trash can as the remnants of the emptied debris attract them.

Rodents are even more dangerous as compared to germs. They trigger several diseases, including Hantavirus, Rat-bite fever, salmonellosis, and Roundworm infection. Besides rodents, cats and dogs are also attracted by the odor and previous remnants of garbage.

A clean and sanitized trash receptacle will keep away rodents and other animals that are drawn to the waste.

Reason # 6: Wild Animals

If you are living in a neighborhood where wild animals are present, you need to be extra careful about your trash. Odors from the waste left in the garbage for too long can attract animals. When you have new liners placed inside your garbage receptacle, there would be no odor. Or, the odor will be minimal and not attract their attention.

However, when you fail to empty your dustbin at least once a week, the odor tends to linger and wild animals, such as raccoons and bears, are lured by the odor. Sometimes, you can see such instances in densely populated urban neighborhoods too.

Regular cleaning of the kitchen garbage can is a must if you live in regions where wild animals frequent. You can also invest in a heavy-duty trash can to counter wild animals attacking your trash. Such receptacles are built of sturdy and durable materials.

Reason # 7: Improve the Curb Appeal

As a homeowner, you would want to increase your curb appeal in all possible ways. One such way is taking care of cleanliness in and around your home. With clean and well-maintained trash cans, you can enhance the curb appeal of your home. Emptying your trash and keeping your garbage receptacles clean can make your home stand out from others in your neighborhood.

Using a top-quality trash container that is easy to clean and maintain helps improve the value of your home. You can opt for any size of trash can, including a 10 gallon trash can and 8 gallon trash can. Moreover, you should choose a garbage container that meets all your trash requirements.

The container should be suitable for an outdoor or indoor environment, depending on where you want to place it. Plus, you can opt for the one that comes with a lid to keep insects and animals away from it, while restraining the odor. It should be durable and resistant to rust and harsh weather elements.

Few Tips on Kitchen Garbage Disposal

Most often than not, homeowners as well as business owners face plenty of issues due to improper trash disposal. Even if the trash is inside a bin, it does not prevent pests from accumulating in the trash. Here are some useful ways to get rid of kitchen waste in a hygienic way:

Tip #1: Ensure you empty the waste generated in your kitchen every night. Or, do it whenever you dispose of a huge quantity of food.

Tip# 2: It is important to clear the food in your refrigerator that is too old to be consumed. Also, get rid of the old or uneaten food from your refrigerator the day before you take out the trash. This will prevent the old food from rotting in the garbage until you empty it.

Tip #3: It is not sufficient that you get the garbage out of your kitchen. Pests also frequent the waste present in your yard. You need to empty the yard bin every week to prevent pests from making it their habitat.

Tip #4: Make sure the garbage you leave on the curbside is well sealed and placed in a secure can. This will prevent rodents and raccoons from entering the container and wreaking havoc. Containers with lids offer better safety from pests.

Tip #5: Durable waste containers are always preferred for curbside trash emptying. Using a sturdy container can keep away rodents and pests from entering the can.

Tip #6: The paper bags and plastic bags you buy from grocery stores are not sufficient for lining your waste bin. The plastic bags leak due to the holes in the bottom while paper bags soak up and become soggy. This leads to the germ-laden trash liquid entering the bin, causing an unpleasant odor. Using liners made particularly for the wastebasket will keep it clean and tidy.

Tip #7: Make sure you use a garbage bag that is tight-fitting and made of thick material. This will prevent it from leaking or tearing due to an excess quantity of waste. Another way to avoid dripping or stinking bags is to take out the trash daily. If this is not possible, try emptying the bin on alternate days or at least once a week.

Tip #8: Clean the container after emptying it by wiping it on the inside and outside using a soapy sponge. For stubborn stains, that are especially seen on a white trash can, use bleach to remove them completely. Sprinkling baking soda can also neutralize the odor. After cleaning the container, dry it well before you use it. A damp waste bin attracts bacterial growth so ensure it is dry.

Tip #9:  In addition to cleaning the waste bin, clean the floor on which it is placed. If your under-sink garbage can is kept hidden inside a cabinet, make sure you wipe its sides and doors. Sanitize the sponges, gloves, and sink using a proper cleaning solution to make them germ-free.

Tip #10: Maintain separate containers for waste and recycling products. The compost bin is for kitchen waste, leaves, grass cuttings, woody materials, and newspapers. This reduces the amount of waste you dispose of to the waste management company. A trash compactor also helps in minimizing the waste.

Tip #11: Set reminders for the days you want to take out the trash. This can be done by using a calendar or your smartphone to mark the dates. Set the alerts one day before the garbage truck arrives. This way you will not miss it, even if the truck arrives early than the expected time.

Tip #12: Use sliding hardware to slide the bins inside your kitchen cabinet, such as in an under sink garbage can. This makes it convenient for you to slide the container out and dispose of the materials. The design prevents you from accidentally dropping materials around the bin. Due to being unattended, the spilled waste can rot and start to stink.

Tip #13: When you dispose of food in the wastebasket, make sure to rinse it properly. The removal of food debris helps eliminate foul odor. It also prevents pests from being attracted to the trash.

Tip #14: Buff out the fingerprints or smudges that are seen on stainless steel cans. Using a dry cloth made of microfiber is a good choice. A microfiber cloth helps in removing smears and streaks.

Tip #15: If you spill any liquid, ensure you wipe the spill immediately. This prevents the spills from becoming sticky. A damp microfiber cloth is useful for this task. Having a wipe dispenser in the kitchen, like the Glaro Satin Aluminum Wall Mounted wipe dispenser, can make your task easier.

Tip #16: Design your kitchen in such a way that it meets your waste management style. For instance, if composting is crucial to you, keep a composting receptacle near the meal preparation area. This will take care of all the veggie and fruit waste generated.

To Sum Up

We hope now you are convinced of the reasons why you need to take out the trash often. After reading them, you will not find it an inconvenience anymore. Further, there are several advanced models available now. All such models are high on style and convenience. You will not find handling the containers an unpleasant task. You may even look forward to your weekly chore.

Remember that by emptying your waste often, you also keep your environment clean. The use of composting and other sustainable measures minimizes the trash. When you fail to do so, the trash ends up in landfills, leading to a destructive impact on the climate. By using a proper bin and maintaining it, you can keep your home free of pests and other creatures.