Why Sustainability Is Important To Millennials

Why Sustainability Is Important To Millennials

Sustainability is a word used by politicians, organizations, and businesses everywhere to appeal to a younger generation of voters and consumers. That term cannot be reserved for mission statements and press releases if you hope to reach this audience. Here are a few reasons why sustainability is important to millennials.

Globally Connected

From a young age, millennials have lived in a hyper-connected world, courtesy of the internet. They are the first generation to grow up with this transformative technology widely available in their homes. This connection has facilitated the forging of friendships with people around the world that we would otherwise never meet.

Before, we didn’t care about how our actions impacted others, but as these bonds of friendship deepen, the importance of preservation becomes more important. We want to do what we can to protect the environment, not just for ourselves but for our friends and loved ones as well. This includes taking steps to improve sustainability.

Seeing the Impact

A huge reason why sustainability is important to millennials is that they can see its impact on the world around them. Previous generations were able to postpone preservation efforts and kick the can down the road—literally and metaphorically—leaving the current generation of millennials to deal with the fallout.

The current era of young adults sees the overflowing landfills and pollution in the waterways as their challenge to overcome. The best way to do this is by promoting greater sustainability for every segment of society, regardless of any artificial divisions that society has put in place. Millennials also see the impact of sustainability efforts in their neighborhoods and online communities.

Why Organizations Care

Many businesses and organizations have a vested interest in courting this younger demographic. Not only are millennials the next crop of employees for their companies, but they also represent a large segment of the global economy that isn’t afraid to protest with their wallets. These factors—coupled with the growth of options courtesy of the internet—make implementing sustainable practices vital to the future success of many companies.

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